Involved in a Car Accident With Someone Who Has Dementia

older man with hands on car wheel

The law is clear: if you are responsible for a car accident, then you are liable for compensation. Missouri is a pure comparative fault state, meaning that all drivers involved in the car accident could potentially be liable if they are all responsible, at least in part, for the collision. However, in some cases, it’s … Read more

I Was Offered a Settlement After My Car Accident. Should I Take It?

insurance adjuster offering pen to sign settlement offer

A car accident settlement negotiation will establish how and who will compensate the victim(s) for the damage they suffered. Being in a car accident can have an important impact on your life, from keeping you from working and earning money as usual to having to visit doctors and go through treatments or surgery. You can … Read more

Updated: December 20, 2019

Why You Should Always Have an Injury Lawyer Before You Accept a Car Accident Settlement

signing settlement agreement

When you think about holding a person who’s caused you harm accountable, you most likely picture being in a court, presenting your case in front of a judge and jury. However, some statistics show that as many as 95% of car accident cases end in a settlement. Here are a few reasons: Most Car Accident … Read more

What Is My Car Accident Claim Worth?

st. louis woman and man after car accident

One of the most common questions our St. Louis car accident lawyers get even before taking a case is “how much is my accident worth?”. This is totally understandable considering that people want to know if the hassle of suing someone and fighting a battle in court is worth their time and effort, which are … Read more

Updated: December 4, 2019