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5 Things Victims Should Do After a St. Louis Semi-Truck Accident

Accidents in the trucking industry often result in much damage, and even loss of life.

When you are involved in a car accident with a semi-truck that wasn’t your fault, you likely have many questions regarding what you should do next. The actions you take in the moments following the accident are crucial to ensuring you get properly compensated for all the damages you’ve suffered.

Here are 5 things any car accident victim should do after a semi-truck accident:

st. louis semi truck

1. Call the Police

By calling the police, you are creating a 3rd party recollection of the events that took place. The police will come to the scene, document it, and create their own report, which you can use later on in your car accident claim. When you and the insurance company can have different views over a particular detail of the case, the answer may be found in the police report.

2. Document the Scene Yourself

Then, if you are able to, you should document the scene as best as you can, by taking a lot of photos on your smartphone. Consider taking pictures of:

  • Your vehicle
  • The semi-truck
  • Any witnesses present
  • Your own injuries (if they are visible)
  • Marks on the road
  • Damaged property

A lot of the evidence is time-sensitive, such as tire marks on the road. They may not be there a few weeks or days later when you want to document the scene. By taking these photos, you are already building a case.

3. Exchange Insurance Information

The police report will also have the name of the semi-truck driver, though you should still exchange insurance information with them. This will make it easier for you when you want to file the car accident claim since you’ll already have the company’s contact information on hand.

4. Go to the Hospital – Even If You Feel Fine

Car accident victims don’t always feel the full repercussions of a car accident right after the event. Some injuries, such as whiplash, may only start to show symptoms the next or a few days after the car accident.

Apart from the fact that this can hurt your claim, it’s also dangerous. As a rule of thumb, always go to the doctor right after a car accident, even mild ones.

5. Contact a Lawyer

It’s likely that in these cases to go up against the insurance company of the trucking company, and not the driver. This can create certain difficulties for the victim, especially if they want to sue the company for damages, as opposed to going the insurance route.

To make things easier for you, you should speak with an experienced car accident attorney for help. They can advise the best course of action based on the specifics of your case.

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Updated: June 22, 2020