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Brain Injury After a St. Louis Car Accident

According to national statistics, about 1.7 million cases of traumatic brain injury occur in the United States yearly. 50 to 70% of the TBIs that result in death are the result of car accidents. 

Trauma to the brain can have devastating effects on one’s health and the quality of their life. Many people who have suffered brain trauma are left with lifelong disabilities, are unable to work, need permanent assistance with routine tasks, and deal with the stigma and mental trauma that are frequently seen in TBI victims. 

There are also less unfortunate cases when the victim can fully recover from their traumatic brain injury. Because it tends to be an injury with delayed symptoms in its milder forms, TBI can sometimes seem less than it actually is. It is one of the types of injuries that make a visit to the doctor mandatory after a car accident, even if you think you are fine. 

Types of Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can be classified in many ways, depending on the varying factor. One of the most common classifications refers to the moment the injury occurs. This factor is quite relevant in the legal context, as it greatly influences how a car accident claim is to be approached. 

TBIs can be classified as primary injuries when they occur at the time of the accident. The main types of immediate TBI in a car accident are:

  • Skull fractures
  • Concussion, contusions (bruising of the brain)
  • Lacerations of the brain (cuts, tears in the brain tissue)
  • Diffuse axonal injury (damage to the nerve fibers in the brain)

In other cases, a TBI is caused by another type of injury that occurred at the time of the accident and led to injury to the brain. A secondary TBI can be hard to link to the car accident and it is typically observed later in the patient’s evolution, which is why these cases are more difficult. Secondary TBI from car accidents include:

  • Insufficient blood flow to the brain
  • Sudden rise or drop of the blood pressure
  • Low oxygen levels in the brain, which can lead to permanent damage
  • Swelling of the brain (edema)
  • Meningitis (infection of the outer layer of the brain)

These TBIs are indirectly caused by a car accident if a primary injury led to them (bone fractures, lung punctures, raised stress levels, infected lacerations, sepsis, etc.).

What to Do If You Have Suffered a TBI During a Car Accident

Whether you are suffering from a TBI that was directly or indirectly caused by a car accident, seeing a doctor and consulting a St. Louis car accident lawyer are two of the most important things to do to get the full amount of compensation you need and are legally entitled to. 

Get a free consultation with an experienced attorney and protect your rights, especially since TBIs can affect your life in the long-term. 

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