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Questions to Ask a Witness to a Car Accident – St. Louis Injury Lawyer

Asking St. Louis car accident witnesses the right questions can help build a strong, well-documented case.

If you’ve been in a car accident and are looking to build a strong case, working closely with an experienced car accident lawyer is essential. One of the critical elements in building a solid case is obtaining statements from witnesses who were present at the scene of the accident.

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st. louis car accident witness on the phone

The importance of asking the right questions when questioning a car accident witness cannot be overemphasized. These specific questions can help build a strong case and ensure that all facts are well-documented and won’t be affected by any inaccuracies or omissions due to memory loss or bias.

Can You Go Into Detail About How the Crash Occurred?

One of the key questions to ask a witness is to go into detail about how the crash occurred. While your account of the accident may not be enough to determine who was at fault, asking a witness for their version of events can be extremely helpful. It’s important to keep the dialogue open and inviting, focusing on finding answers rather than making accusations. Follow-up questions such as whether either vehicle tried to swerve or slam on its brakes, or what the speed of each car was, can provide more detail into what happened leading up to and during the crash.

Do You Know Anyone Involved in the Accident?

It’s also important to ask whether the witness knows anyone involved in the accident. This question can help avoid biased testimonies from people who have personal connections to the parties involved. Doing so will help you build a stronger case with more reliable evidence.

Did You See Any Bystanders Who Might Be Witnesses Like You?

Expanding your list of witnesses by asking whether any bystanders might have witnessed the accident can also be helpful. Follow up this question by asking who was with the witness when the accident happened. The person they were with may have a better perspective of what occurred or noticed details that otherwise may have been missed.

Did You Hear Anything That the Other Driver Said?

After a car accident, parties involved can start arguing and making accusations against each other. Therefore, it’s crucial that you follow up with any witnesses at the accident scene and ask them if they heard the other driver say something important. Knowing the exact dialogue spoken can help build a more accurate overall picture of what happened in the crash and highlight any emotions or psychological states of those involved in the incident.

What Is Your Contact Information?

Finally, it’s easy to forget to ask for contact details and other relevant identifying information from witnesses at the scene of an accident, especially when emotions are running high and there’s a lot of confusion. Don’t make this mistake. Ensure you collect your witnesses’ names and contact information so you can contact them if needed.

St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been in a car accident, it’s crucial to work closely with an experienced St. Louis car accident lawyer who can help you build a strong case. An experienced attorney can ensure the right questions are asked when questioning a car accident witness. They can also ensure that all facts are well-documented and won’t be affected by inaccuracies or omissions due to memory loss or bias. Don’t leave your case to chance; work with an experienced St. Louis car accident attorney to get the compensation you deserve.

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Updated: May 2, 2023