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“What Should I Do If I’m Hit by a Buzzed Driver in St. Louis?”


“Buzzed” driving is an unfortunately common problem in America. Even a small amount of alcohol can impair driving abilities. In fact, one study showed that drivers who had consumed alcohol – even below legal limits –  were 46% more likely to be responsible for a crash. 

Let’s discuss this topic in detail, including what you should do if a buzzed driver hits you in St. Louis.

buzzed driving accident lawyer

What Is Buzzed Driving?

Buzzed driving is when someone drives after drinking any amount of alcohol, even if they are still under the legal limit for a DUI (Driving Under The Influence) charge. In Missouri, this is 0.08% BAC (Blood Alcohol Content).

It’s important to note that even if a person is under 0.08% BAC, they can still be charged with a DUI. While you aren’t automatically charged, evidence and testimony from the incident – such as a police officers’ report or your testimony about their driving behavior – will be taken into account when pressing charges.

What To Do If You Are Hit by a Buzzed Driver

Here are some simple tips on what to do if you get hit by a driver who you suspect may be buzzed and under the influence.

  • Call 911 and get to safety – Call 911 immediately to get emergency medical assistance and police assistance. Be sure to mention that you think the other driver may be under the influence.
  • Collect evidence and the other driver’s information – Stay calm when interacting with the other driver. Take note of how they act, whether they mention drinking or drug use, and look for any other signs they may be under the influence. Get their driver’s license, license plate, and insurance information. If this is not possible, make sure to at the very least note the details of their car make and model, and license plate.
  • Speak with the police – Give a detailed statement to the officers. They will likely administer a DUI test to check the other driver’s blood alcohol level, leading to an arrest in some cases.
  • Get medical attention – An ambulance will likely take you to a medical center for evaluation if injuries are suspected. Make sure to get medical attention right away if you are injured.

Speak With a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer If You’ve Been in an Accident With a Buzzed Driver

If you were injured by a driver who was drinking but under the legal limit of 0.08% BAC, you may still be able to pursue a personal injury claim and get compensation for your injuries, lost income, and more.

Don’t wait. Get the help of our team of experienced car accident attorneys in St. Louis – contact The Hoffmann Law Firm today. We can evaluate your car accident case free of charge and help you understand what you are legally entitled to.

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Updated: April 30, 2021