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Why November and December Witness Higher Rate of Car Accidents

car-accident-st-louis-injuryCar accidents can occur anytime, anywhere. However, higher rates of car accidents are reported in the months of November and December compared to other times of the year.

This higher volume of car accidents in November and December can be attributed to several reasons:

Day Light Savings Time

Some studies have shown that time changes that happen with Day Light Saving Time increase the risk of accidents as people adjust to new sleep cycles.

Shorter Days

With days becoming shorter, many of us have to drive or walk back home in the dark, and this can be a little difficult to adjust to. Drivers tend to feel more fatigued driving in the dark and this combined with poor visibility increase the risk of accidents.

Holiday Season

The holiday season often means more parties and more alcohol, and this directly translates into a higher risk of car accidents. In Missouri, drunk driving increases during this period and many accidents are reported as a result. So, it is important to avoid drinking and driving. If you plan on drinking make sure you have someone else drive you home. Apart from drunk driving, the general mood of the people and increased activity on the roads increase the risk of an accident.

Increased Stress

With the holiday season around the corner, many Missourians are busier than ever. With all the holiday plans, social events, and shopping to attend to, the additional tasks increase stress. All this and stress can mean distraction, leading to an automobile accident. When the driver is thinking about shopping and party plans, it takes attention away from the task at hand. This often leads to intersection accidents and right of way collisions. When the drivers are tempted to multitask or check their cell phones while driving, it can lead to an accident.

It is not easy to escape all the stress and excitement of the holiday season, but it is extremely important to put safety first and be stress and distraction free while driving. Don’t push yourself too hard, and take off the non-essential tasks from your to-do list. Plan your day well and keep adequate time for rest. By doing so, you will not only reduce the risk of an accident occurring but will also allow you to enjoy your holidays in a stress-free manner.

Taking some extra precaution during the holiday season can save lives and prevent many injuries. Small things like putting your cell phone away and following all traffic rules can go a long way in making our roads safer. So, enjoy your holiday season to the fullest and keep roads safer by being extra cautious!

Consult With a Car Accident Lawyer

If you or someone dear to you gets injured in a car accident this holiday season, contact an experienced St. Louis car accident lawyer to discuss your legal rights and to get help with the claim process. Call (314) 361-4242 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney from The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C.

Updated: June 11, 2019