Being hit by someone who isn’t carrying insurance is not an unusual thing. If it happens to you, make sure that you have a professional who knows how to find you the compensation you deserve.
To drive in the state of Missouri, you need the mandatory minimum insurance. The minimum insurance coverage is called liability insurance. It is a policy that is meant to cover the injuries of an at-fault driver as well as the damages and injuries to other drivers in an accident. Just because something is a law, however, that does not mean that everyone is compliant and carries the proper insurance.
If you are hit by someone else and not at fault in an accident, then the other driver’s insurance is supposed to pay for your injuries and damages. However, if they aren’t carrying insurance, that can leave you vulnerable. If your auto insurance policy covers uninsured or underinsured motorists, you should be able to file a claim with your own insurance company.
Are Your Injuries Covered by Your Own Policy?
There are times when you can have your injuries covered by your own insurance. If you don’t have collision insurance coverage, that might leave the repairs of your car up to your own wallet and that can be costly. If someone else is liable for your injuries and damages and they aren’t covered through your insurance policy, then you may want to consider speaking with an experienced car accident lawyer for help recovering your costs.
What If the Other Driver Is Found at-Fault?
If you can prove that the other driver was at fault and liable for your injuries and damages resulting from the car accident, then that other driver might have to pay for your damages. It is possible to sue them in a court of law to recoup whatever you have lost.
When Isn’t Suing an At-Fault Driver Beneficial?
The biggest problem with being reimbursed through suing the other driver is that there is usually a reason why someone is not compliant with the insurance laws in Missouri. The most common reason that someone doesn’t have insurance is that they can’t afford it. If they can’t afford the cost of insurance, even if you win a case against them, collecting your compensation can be problematic.
So, What Should I Do If I Was Hit by an Uninsured Motorist?
If you are in a collision in Missouri with someone who wasn’t carrying insurance at the time and is at fault for the accident, it is critical that you speak with a St. Louis car accident attorney to figure out the best way to proceed. An experienced attorney will know how to deal with the insurance company and the other driver. They’ll also know what steps you have to take to make sure that you are properly compensated for your injuries.
Being hit by someone who isn’t carrying insurance is not an unusual thing. If it happens to you, make sure that you have a professional who knows how to find you the compensation you deserve. Call us 24/7 for FREE legal advice at (314) 361-4242.