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Common Types of Car Accidents Claims that Benefit From the Experience of a Lawyer

If you have been involved in a St. Louis car accident you may be wondering, “Do I really need to hire a car accident lawyer?”

This is a question you likely never thought about before the accident occured. One of the more unfortunate hallmarks of an auto accident is that it is almost always unexpected and that there’s never a good time to be involved in one.

st. louis woman with whiplash after car accident

So if you were recently involved in a car accident in St. Louis and you’re wondering if you should hire a car accident lawyer, the answer is that while it is not required, it is generally a good idea to speak with one. No matter the type of car accident you are involved in, if you sustained an injury, speaking with an experienced attorney about your case is generally a wise decision.

Here are some of the most common types of car accidents that will especially benefit from the assistance of an experienced St. Louis car accident.

1. Speeding

The reason why personal injuries and car accidents caused by speeding have such a strong correlation is that a vehicle that’s traveling past its posted speed limit can pack a pretty substantial punch.

Speeding is among the most common causes of car accidents in St. Louis. If you were hoping that the pandemic might have slowed that down a bit, the truth is that the roads have gotten more dangerous. Quiet streets have inspired some to even organize road races, thereby endangering other St. Louis residents. City authorities did recently respond to the problem by barricading downtown streets in an effort to keep the peace. 

2. Eyes off the Road

It’s the first rule we learn in driving school: eyes on the road. But for some of us, it seems as though the advice goes in one ear and out the other. Truth be told, many accidents are caused by drivers who are simply not paying attention.

Whether they are looking at their phones, joking with a friend in the passenger seat, or turning up the volume of their entertainment system, these distractions can come to a very abrupt and life-threatening halt. All it takes is a split second for the driver to lose control and cause irreparable damage.

3. Drunk and Drowsy Driving

Whether someone stepped into their vehicle after a few glasses of wine or is in dire need of a good night’s sleep, being drunk and drowsy are the two most dangerous states of mind while driving. 

Drunk driving is a pervasive problem across the country. When it is the reason for a car accident, it can add another complicated level of legal gymnastics to acquire your compensation promptly.

Drowsy driving has long been an underestimated issue that is only starting to spur some discussion. Americans fall asleep behind the wheel a surprising amount, with the CDC reporting that 1 in 25 adults have accidentally fallen asleep while driving.

Speak With an Experienced Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents happen for all kinds of reasons. Still, the overwhelming majority of crashes with a legally complex aftermath involve negligence due to speeding, distracted driving, and drowsy or drunk driving. If you sustained injuries after a car crash in St. Louis, speak with a car accident lawyer as soon as possible to learn more about your legal rights and options.

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Updated: October 12, 2020