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St. Louis Car Accident Claims Involving Scooters

As electric scooters increase in popularity, so does the risk of car accidents involving them.

Electric scooters are increasing in popularity. They’re easy to use, green, and can be effective in getting around town, particularly if the distances you need to travel aren’t very large. Just as someone may get Uber to get to their destination, now they can rent one of these electric scooters through services like Bird or Lime.

electric scooters on street in st. louis

However, as you may have seen increasingly on the news, the growing popularity of electric scooters have also lead to a growth in emergency room visits. When people get injured while traveling on these rented scooters, they often require medical assistance. As a result, the question of liability comes in.

So, who pays in this case?

Your Case Holds the Answer

The question of liability can only be answered by looking at the specifics of the case and determining who is to blame for the accident and your injuries.

Typically, there are three ways to cover your injuries after a scooter accident:

Your Health Insurance or Auto Insurance

Your health insurance policy or auto insurance may be able to cover a lot of the possible injuries after a scooter crash. However, a lot of these policies are limited, and may not extend to all kinds of injuries.

Another Driver or Person (If Applicable)

If the accident was caused by someone else, then that party is liable for your injuries. For instance, if a vehicle hits you while on a scooter, and you break your arm because of it, all of these medical costs should generally be covered through the at-fault driver’s auto insurance. If the accident is caused by a pedestrian, then you can file a personal injury claim against them to recover damages.

What Should You Do?

It is in your best interests to discuss your case with an experienced St. Louis car accident lawyer to protect your legal rights, including your right to compensation from the at-fault party. Call us 24/7 at (314) 361-4242 for a FREE and private case evaluation.

Updated: October 29, 2021