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Disfigurement After a St. Louis Car Accident – What Are Your Rights?

disfigured st. louis woman

An experienced attorney can help ensure your rights are protected after a St. Louis car accident involving disfigurement. Car accidents are a common cause of permanent scarring, disfigurement, and amputations. Long-term injuries usually lead to lengthy car accident claim processes because the MMI (maximum medical improvement) point might be somewhere in the victim’s distant future.  … Read more

Updated: February 22, 2021

Obtaining Compensation for a Catastrophic Car Accident Injury

catastrophic car accident injury

Catastrophic car accident injuries should be compensated in proportion to the damage they inflict, both in the short term and long term. One of the worst outcomes of a car accident is being left with a catastrophic injury. As its name suggests, it’s an injury that affects you seriously, and should be compensated in proportion … Read more

Updated: October 30, 2020

Hearing Loss After a St. Louis Car Accident: What Are My Options?

hearing loss

If you start noticing hearing loss after you’ve been in a St. Louis car accident, you may have a few options. Most of us think about hearing loss as a degenerative condition. People who have worked in a loud environment or those who are aging may experience progressive hearing loss. However, hearing loss can happen … Read more

Updated: July 24, 2020

What Doctor Should You See After a St. Louis Car Accident?

car accident doctor

No matter what is visible after the accident, or how fine you feel, it’s essential to seek medical attention after a car accident. Car accidents can leave you with anything from a few minor bruises to serious life-threatening conditions. No matter what is visible after the accident, or how fine you feel, it’s essential to … Read more

Updated: July 24, 2020

What Are My Options If I Am Disabled after a Car Accident?

St. Louis man in wheelchair after car accident

Car accidents happen in a matter of seconds, yet they have a strong impact on your life, sometimes changing it forever. For some car accident victims, this means being disabled for life.  However, disability can have various degrees of severity, and your options change, depending on what state you are in and other variables.  Making … Read more

Updated: June 22, 2020