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Pre Existing Injury Aggravated in Car Accident

St. Louis car accident claim lawyer

Not all St. Louis car accident claims are simple and straightforward. Here’s what you need to know if a pre-existing injury was aggravated in your car accident. Anyone who gets injured in a St. Louis car accident caused by the fault of another person or party is generally entitled to receive compensation for both economic … Read more

Updated: November 22, 2022

How a Pre-Existing Condition Can Impact Your Car Accident Claim

car accident doctor

The truth is, your pre-existing condition will likely become a debated topic in the negotiations with the insurance company. People are usually not in a perfect state of health before entering the process of a car accident claim. However, some of them may be suffering from a pre-existing condition, which is a condition that was … Read more

Updated: November 20, 2020

Will a Pre-Existing Injury Affect My St. Louis Car Accident Claim?

st. louis woman injured in car accident

Insurance companies are notorious for doing everything they can to pay as little as they can in compensation to car accident victims. Insurance companies will generally look for some reason to either attribute a percentage of the guilt to you or find some cause to justify a lower claim or deny your claim altogether. Could … Read more

Updated: September 3, 2019

Car Insurance Claim Denied – What Next?

insurance claim denied

Insurance companies work hard to limit their liability. It is important to speak with a car accident lawyer to understand what you are entitled to. When you are in a car accident in the state of Missouri, who is at-fault is determined, and then that person’s insurance company is generally responsible for paying for both … Read more

Updated: September 3, 2019