Summertime is a great time to be out and about, enjoying the sun and warm weather. However, it’s also a time when car accidents seem to happen frequently.
Here are 10 common reasons car accidents happen in the summer months.
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1. People are driving more. With the warmer weather and longer days, people are naturally inclined to get out and about more. Unfortunately, this means more cars on the road and more opportunities for accidents to happen.
2. People are driving faster. With the good weather and open roads, people tend to let their foot off the gas a bit more and go a little faster than they normally would. This can lead to accidents especially if the drivers aren’t paying attention.
3. The roads are more crowded. With everyone driving more, the roads are bound to be more crowded and congested. This can lead to accidents as people jockey for position on the road.
4. There are more pedestrians and cyclists. With the nice weather, there are also more people out walking and biking. Unfortunately, this can lead to accidents, for example, if drivers don’t yield the right of way.
5. There are more construction projects. With the warmer weather, construction crews are able to work longer hours and get more projects done. This can lead to accidents if drivers aren’t paying attention to the road or if they don’t slow down in construction zones.
6. The days are longer. With the days being longer, there is more time for people to be out and about. Unfortunately, this means more traffic on the roads and more opportunities for accidents to happen.
7. People are vacationing. With the summer months comes the vacation season. As a result, people are traveling more, which means more cars are on the road. This can lead to accidents, especially when driving in unfamiliar territory or not paying attention to the road.
8. There are more young drivers on the road. With school out for summer, there are more inexperienced drivers on the road leading to accidents.
9. People are drinking more. With the warmer weather and summertime fun, people are more likely to drink alcohol. This can lead to drunk driving accidents if they’re not careful or if they’re driving after having too much to drink.
10. People are distracted. With all the summertime activities, people are more likely to be distracted while driving. Unfortunately, this can lead to accidents.
Have You Been Injured in a Summertime Auto Accident in St. Louis?
As you can see, there are many reasons why car accidents happen more in summer. Unfortunately, this means that the risk of being injured in an auto accident also increases. If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident, we can help. Give us a call 24/7 for a free case evaluation.
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