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3 Habits Every Teenage Driver Should Cultivate to Prevent Car Accidents

Some simple tips can help teenage drivers decrease their chances of being involved in an automobile accident.

Establishing safe driving habits early on can save lives!

Statistics have shown that automobile accidents are the foremost reason for death among adolescents. The risk of being involved in automobile accidents is high within the first six months after adolescents receive their drivers’ license. More often than not, it is due to lack of experience and over-enthusiasm from perceived independence.

father teaching teenage son how to drive safely

Speeding, distraction, and failure to notice and respond to possible dangers are common reasons for teenage drivers’ accidents. The common reason for distraction among adolescents is texting and driving. Recent statistics indicate that around 30% of male drivers aged 15–20 years and 18% of female drivers aged 15–20 years involved in fatal crashes were speeding. The risk of drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 being involved in an automobile accident is four times higher than drivers in an older age group or drivers between the ages of 25 and 69.

Some simple tips can help teenage drivers decrease their chances of being involved in an automobile accident.

Check Your Surroundings

Experienced drivers are in the habit of checking all of their surroundings on the road. In addition to checking what is going on in front of and behind one’s vehicle, it is vital to check blind spots before switching lanes. When teenage drivers are aware of their surroundings, their chances of being involved in an accident decrease.

Monitor Your Speed

The main reason why speed limit notices are posted in some areas, such as exit ramps, is to ensure that inexperienced drivers are aware of the necessary speed that will allow them to safely exit ramps. A driver’s surroundings may change in an instant, making an unexpected stop necessary. For this and other reasons, it is important for all drivers to monitor their speed and ensure that they are well within the speed limit. It is also essential to teach adolescents how weather conditions can affect driving situations, such as rain or snow.

Remove Source of Distractions

Lives can be saved when parents have rules while driving. These rules include not using mobile phones or setting a maximum number of people inside the vehicle. Parents should establish probationary periods to ensure they gain enough experience to drive independently. Some authorities recommend that parents establish a six-month period before allowing their adolescent children to drive independently.

Evidence indicates that adolescent drivers whose parents establish regulations and provide supportive guidance are less likely to become involved in automobile accidents. Therefore if you are a parent, it is vital that you instill safe driving happens in your child. It could save not only their lives but the lives of others.

If, despite driving safely, you have been involved in a St. Louis car accident, contact The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. 24/7 at (314) 361-4242 for a free consultation with an experienced St. Louis car accident attorney!

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Updated: July 1, 2021