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Unsafe Lane Change Accident Fault in a St. Louis Car Accident

driver on the highway changing lanes

While changing lanes is a common maneuver for most drivers, unsafe lane changes are a major contributor to car accidents on the road. Unsafe lane changes are often overlooked as a serious hazard on our highways; however, they should be taken just as seriously as any other form of reckless driving.  In this article, we’ll … Read more

Updated: May 2, 2023

Driving in Wind – 6 Common Hazards That Could Cause an Auto Accident

st. louis driver driving in the wind

One of the most dangerous weather conditions for driving is high winds. Here are six common hazards that result from driving in windy conditions. Although around 90% of all car crashes are caused fully or in part by human error, harsh weather conditions can also lead to accidents. One of the most dangerous weather conditions … Read more

Updated: December 5, 2022

Risk of Car Accident While Towing a Trailer

trailer hooked up to the back of a truck

Missouri roads can be crowded and congested, and even the most experienced driver can find themselves in a car accident. Maybe you’re preparing to embark on a family trip with a small trailer. Or perhaps you need to transport a large piece of construction equipment from one job site to another. Whatever your reason for … Read more

Updated: September 21, 2022

How Are Loose Objects Dangerous During Car Accidents?

woman with loose objects in the car

Depending on a loose object’s size, car accident injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to more serious injuries like head injuries or broken bones. Loose objects can pose a serious threat during a car accident. Depending on a loose object’s size, injuries can result from minor cuts and bruises to more serious injuries … Read more

Updated: August 24, 2022

7 Early Morning Car Accident Risks

man driving in the early morning

By being aware of the risks associated with early morning driving, you can help keep yourself safe on the road. Many drivers enjoy cruising around during the early hours of the morning when traffic is light, and the world is just starting to awaken. However, before you head out for your next drive in the … Read more

Updated: July 21, 2022

Can Following the 3-Second Rule While Driving Help Prevent Car Accidents?

driving in traffic

Here’s why following the 3-second rule while driving is important and can help prevent automobile accidents. What is the 3-Second Rule? The three-second rule is a guideline that states you should give yourself at least three seconds of distance between your car and the car in front of you when driving. This generally gives you … Read more

Updated: March 1, 2022