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Why November and December Witness Higher Rate of Car Accidents

Car accidents can occur anytime, anywhere. However, higher rates of car accidents are reported in the months of November and December compared to other times of the year. This higher volume of car accidents in November and December can be attributed to several reasons: Day Light Savings Time Some studies have shown that time changes … Read more

Updated: June 11, 2019

How to Know if Someone is in Shock

auto accident injury St. Louis

A car accident victim may experience shock, a life-threatening medical condition that can worsen quickly. Every year, car accidents claim the lives of thousands of people. While most of these deaths are a direct result of car accident injuries, a large number of deaths are caused by shock. It is important to understand the signs of shock … Read more

Updated: June 11, 2019

100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers

teen driving accident st. louis

What makes the summer time more dangerous for teen drivers? Car accidents are an everyday occurrence on Missouri roads. Thousands of people are injured and many others are killed every year. Of all drivers, teen drivers are believed to be at the highest risk of car accidents because of their inexperience and recklessness. Teen drivers are more prone to … Read more

Updated: November 9, 2018

3 Types of Distracted Driving

distracted driving st louis car accident

Distracted driving has been an issue on Missouri roadways for decades, long before smartphones became popular. With the rise in the popularity of smartphones and text messaging, distracted driving car accidents are often talked about in the news. Yet distracted driving has been an issue on Missouri roadways for decades, long before we ever imagined having … Read more

Updated: June 11, 2019